Thursday, April 9, 2009

Bulgarian Traditions III: Nestinarstvo

Finally, it seems as thought spring is just around the corner, and as the birds chirp and the grass begins to turn green I can't help, but think about St. Constantin and Helen, a Bulgarian holiday celebrated during this time of year (May 21st). Although, this holiday is significant to me for many reasons, one of which includes my niece being born on that day, perhaps the most memorable aspect of it is Nestinarsto. This tradition of walking on smoldering embers barefoot is one which I remember watching and being amazed at as a little girl.

Nestinarstvo is a tradition the origins of which can be traced both to the Eastern Orthodox Church and to other pagan traditions. There are only a few people who possess the talent to walk on such embers and not get burnt. In fact, those who can are considered masters and perform every year, until they are no longer able, at which point their duties are often passed on to their children. They are able to not only walk, but also dance on the embers as though they were doing so on the regular ground. The embers are usually arranged in a circle and the nestinari are joined by numerous spectators as they dance their way into the night.

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